
statement of intent

Outline your plans for your production including: How you intend to use Media Language to target your intended audience How you intend to use Media Representations that are appropriate to your intended audience       (Maximum 300 words)  I intend to use media language to target my audience which will ingage the readers and make it interesting and into something the age group would read and be interested in. this would be acheved by using content that they can understand and relate to so they would be interested.  


Wednesday 1st May 2019 this post is going to be about ideas of filming location for my photo shoot for my magazine. gorge big park lakeside leisure davy down gorge tunnels Lakeside broad walk


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Research lok at magazines to get ideas Decide what the magazine is going to be based on Decide who is going to be in the magazine Outfits pictures pictures fonts

My Mood Board

Wednesday 27th March 2019 Learning Objectives: K: the advantages and disadvantages of using a mood board to inspire content of new media product. U: how different types of images and fonts can affect the way audiences consume media texts. BAT: produce a mood board that illustrates your initial ideas for your media product. CO: Use media terminology throughout. mood board on powerpoint


 Wedneday 20th march 2019 how well do you know your brief ?  Points: 9/10 In my magazine , im going to hopefully in the summer of friends having fun e.g. water fights. Intertexturality is when a producer uses two media text and sees which one is better in order to make theirs better. i am going to use this to ensure i use different camera shots and make sure i use everything in my brief.